Etwas Nettes für euer Wochenende

Okay, okay! Ich weiß, es ist ein Klassiker! Aber „David after Dentist“, das muss einfach sein. Sollte eine von euch das Video nicht kennen, habe ich euch unten den Kommentar des Vaters reinkopiert.

Schmunzelt euch durchs Wochenende!

Hier noch der Extratext unter dem Video:

This is a video of my then 7 year old son David in May 2008I had my Flip video camera with me. His mom wasnt able to go becasue of work. I taped some of the morning before the surgery to show her and was already planning to tape afterwards. He had just had a tooth removed due to Hyperdontia or extra tooth. This was taken in the parking lot of the dentist office. He was so out of it. The staff was even laughing. This lasted for a few hours and he was fine. He even laughed at the video that night.

He is very smart and always has something interesting to say about many different issues. His philosophical reaction to the medication didnt really suprise us.

David is a very good kid and I am blessed to have he and his brother William as sons.

This has been a great experience for our family. Thanks for watching.

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